Our class programs additionally address the following: academic issues, social, emotional, behavioral, substance abuse, and family relationship issues, as well as confidence and self-esteem building classes.Treatment of ADHD and related co-occurring disorders in children and adolescents needs to be a combination of subjective and objective treatment approaches such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and neuropathway therapy (VCAT). The future of mental health in children and adolescents with ADHD and co-occurring challenges now focuses more on the brain’s functioning system, specifically neurons, neurotransmitters (chemical imbalance), and certain brain waves working together to enable the way a child behaves mentally, emotionally, and cognitively. VCATTRC uses the state-of-the-art integrated technology in neurocognitive therapy, brain mapping and imaging (EEG and QEEG), combined with our unique and exceptional neuropathway treatment VCAT, to measure, record, analyze, and balance the electrical activity in the brain, which is assumed to be the underlying cause of ADHD, depression, and anxiety in general.